суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

codec cood109b

So Logan let me take his camera to work the other day. The Denver Tech Center is a very nicely-landscaped area, and most of the tress are really really ridiculously beautiful right now. Always one who wants to hang onto the past, I wanted to take pictures of the place and try my hand at artsy fartsy photography with pretty stuff. On Wednesday I took the camera to work and took pictures of leaves, grass, the building, Zachs hearse and eventually, out of boredom, my Legos.

Come Thursday, I take the camera back to work for more taking pictures of stuff. I didnapos;t really do anything with it until my last break simply because the day was filled with other things, like getting forms sent off to Chicago at Kinkos, and training with SGTs and speaking with Patrick (my team lead) about my CSATs. WHOO. Busy fucking day.

Anyway, my last break rolls around and I am going out of my mind at my desk, so I grab the camera and take off through a series of parking lots to the west of my building. I explore and take random pictures, generally enjoying the sudden warmth of the recent weather. All the office buildings around my building are vacant, so I just strolled around as I pleased, not fearful of anything going wrong.

As I am walking through a little courtyard, I suddenly find myself on the edge of the golf course that surrounds the Inverness office area. Right there, RIGHT THERE on the egde of the courtyard is a putting green, with leaves all over it and a beautiful view of the setting sun. Now, Iapos;m not a COMPLETE idiot (I know you wonder sometimes), so I look to my left for people on the course. I look to my right for people on the course. I climb a little rise and look all over for golf carts, stupid hats, maybe a Mercedes or BMW (hey, itapos;s the DTC in Centennial, you never know). NOTHING. So I stroll out onto that green and lay down on my stomach to start taking high-resolution photos of really small things.

Everything was going great until, off in the distance, I heard a person shouting. "Fore" In retropsect I think itapos;s funny how often we hear this warning of danger on cartoons or television, yet how poorly the shouting of the aforementioned warning translates to sense of impending doom. If you ever hear someone shout apos;foreapos; at you, youapos;ll probably think, "Hey, I remember Kramer hitting golf balls into whales," instead of "I better move"

And thatapos;s kind of what happened to me. There I am, lying flat on this green with a camera, hearing someone shout apos;foreapos; and my brain is desperatle trying to convey the meaning to me. Then it dawns on me. I whip my head around and see two men down the fairway (they so fucking werenapos;t there when I looked, I swear). Sure enough, I hear a whhhfTHOK as a golf ball lands in some leaves not ten feet from me.

I panic.

Not wanting to be in any more danger, or potentially get yelled at for trespassing, or to be ridiculed by guys who probably just flew into Centennial for some big-wig business meeting at Starz or DirecTV, I stood up, grabbed the ball, and ran.

Itapos;s only after I am walking in the door back at Apple that I start laughing. I stole that dudes ball that he almost killed me with. I think thatapos;s funny.

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