суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Ah, King Henry III, we barely knew ye.

.... Waitaminute. Henry lived until 1272. So whatapos;s this mumbo-jumbo about 1263? Well, it seems like some scribe at Tewkesbury jumped the gun a bit (wishful thinking, perhaps?) and recorded King Henryapos;s obituary, dated March 23, 1263: Obiit Henricus rex Anglie, filius regis Johannis, followed by several lines attesting to the apos;deadapos; kingapos;s piety and good works. Then the obituary is crossed out, with the word vacat, apos;voidapos;, written in the margin by a no doubt sheepish scribe.

Apparently, the rumor of King Henryapos;s premature demise originated because Henry spent the summer of 1262 seriously ill in France. He returned to England that December, but spent the next three months at Westminister, still ill. It seems that even Henry began to despair for his life; on March 22 he issued a letter ordering his subjects to swear loyalty to his son Edward in the event of his death. It would seem a garbled account of his letter reached the monks at Tewkesbury, who began tolling bells, singing requiem masses, and gravely writing obituaries for their fallen monarch.

Information obtained from The Reign of Henry III, 1996, by David Carpenter.

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