понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Blah Dancer. Too bad itapos;s such a useful sub because itapos;s such an annoying job to play. Flail Twist Twirl Prance Got four levels soloing today, 16 -> 20.

Adjusted my plan from last night. Not going to touch DRG again. If I go insane and decide to level it in the future, I can just buy armor back.

Remaining plan: MNK solo to 18 (15 now). DNC 20 -> 37 (partying, soloing, or both). Sell off HQ Bone and HQ Beetle armor sets.

New part of the plan: Get Katerwaul a locker which would mean (with the reduced armor) I could delete Yagudokisses. Which would mean... No more crafting mules. :/ Our LS has no high level alchemy people left, so itapos;s good I leveled it on Fishingbot, but... My last crafting mule D:

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Hardly a soul is online today. Perhaps I will join them in disapearing.

And also- perhaps not.

I feel like I need to talk to someone every second Iapos;m on AIM. Perhaps I should delete it to give me space? Mmm..not too sure. A simple solution, Iapos;d say. Easy as a few clicks. But also, thereapos;s a part of me that wants to be their for those who need me. Mostly my worries for Matt. But even he isnapos;t making an appearance today. Though I shant worry, because Iapos;m sure heapos;s doing just fine.

I guess Iapos;m somewhat sad. I really have a lot of work behind me. Nagging, pulling, tugging, howling to be finished. Hopefully Iapos;ll be able to go over to Jennifers and get some of it done. Just relax, do sketches, paint, kendo battle, etc.

Then I Sunday I want to go hiking. But Jennifer also wants to go visit a prison friend over in Temecula. Which Iapos;m not at all cool with; but because sheapos;s my friend Iapos;m doing it reguardless. I need to tell Gabe that now that I think of it. Hmmm.

Darnit. If I could find my camera cord Iapos;d upload the pictures I took. But alas...

Iapos;ll do it another day. I think Iapos;ll check mail then browse a few things for a while. Iapos;m actually tired right now, though by all means I shouldnapos;t be. For the past couple of days Iapos;ve done nothing BUT sleep...all that time wasted. Iapos;m not irritable though because I needed it. Just means Iapos;ll have to work a bit harder this weekend

I guess things arenapos;t so bad right now as I first thought.

OH I got my beany But when I find my cord-





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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

amvets charities

Ah, King Henry III, we barely knew ye.

.... Waitaminute. Henry lived until 1272. So whatapos;s this mumbo-jumbo about 1263? Well, it seems like some scribe at Tewkesbury jumped the gun a bit (wishful thinking, perhaps?) and recorded King Henryapos;s obituary, dated March 23, 1263: Obiit Henricus rex Anglie, filius regis Johannis, followed by several lines attesting to the apos;deadapos; kingapos;s piety and good works. Then the obituary is crossed out, with the word vacat, apos;voidapos;, written in the margin by a no doubt sheepish scribe.

Apparently, the rumor of King Henryapos;s premature demise originated because Henry spent the summer of 1262 seriously ill in France. He returned to England that December, but spent the next three months at Westminister, still ill. It seems that even Henry began to despair for his life; on March 22 he issued a letter ordering his subjects to swear loyalty to his son Edward in the event of his death. It would seem a garbled account of his letter reached the monks at Tewkesbury, who began tolling bells, singing requiem masses, and gravely writing obituaries for their fallen monarch.

Information obtained from The Reign of Henry III, 1996, by David Carpenter.

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codec cood109b

So Logan let me take his camera to work the other day. The Denver Tech Center is a very nicely-landscaped area, and most of the tress are really really ridiculously beautiful right now. Always one who wants to hang onto the past, I wanted to take pictures of the place and try my hand at artsy fartsy photography with pretty stuff. On Wednesday I took the camera to work and took pictures of leaves, grass, the building, Zachs hearse and eventually, out of boredom, my Legos.

Come Thursday, I take the camera back to work for more taking pictures of stuff. I didnapos;t really do anything with it until my last break simply because the day was filled with other things, like getting forms sent off to Chicago at Kinkos, and training with SGTs and speaking with Patrick (my team lead) about my CSATs. WHOO. Busy fucking day.

Anyway, my last break rolls around and I am going out of my mind at my desk, so I grab the camera and take off through a series of parking lots to the west of my building. I explore and take random pictures, generally enjoying the sudden warmth of the recent weather. All the office buildings around my building are vacant, so I just strolled around as I pleased, not fearful of anything going wrong.

As I am walking through a little courtyard, I suddenly find myself on the edge of the golf course that surrounds the Inverness office area. Right there, RIGHT THERE on the egde of the courtyard is a putting green, with leaves all over it and a beautiful view of the setting sun. Now, Iapos;m not a COMPLETE idiot (I know you wonder sometimes), so I look to my left for people on the course. I look to my right for people on the course. I climb a little rise and look all over for golf carts, stupid hats, maybe a Mercedes or BMW (hey, itapos;s the DTC in Centennial, you never know). NOTHING. So I stroll out onto that green and lay down on my stomach to start taking high-resolution photos of really small things.

Everything was going great until, off in the distance, I heard a person shouting. "Fore" In retropsect I think itapos;s funny how often we hear this warning of danger on cartoons or television, yet how poorly the shouting of the aforementioned warning translates to sense of impending doom. If you ever hear someone shout apos;foreapos; at you, youapos;ll probably think, "Hey, I remember Kramer hitting golf balls into whales," instead of "I better move"

And thatapos;s kind of what happened to me. There I am, lying flat on this green with a camera, hearing someone shout apos;foreapos; and my brain is desperatle trying to convey the meaning to me. Then it dawns on me. I whip my head around and see two men down the fairway (they so fucking werenapos;t there when I looked, I swear). Sure enough, I hear a whhhfTHOK as a golf ball lands in some leaves not ten feet from me.

I panic.

Not wanting to be in any more danger, or potentially get yelled at for trespassing, or to be ridiculed by guys who probably just flew into Centennial for some big-wig business meeting at Starz or DirecTV, I stood up, grabbed the ball, and ran.

Itapos;s only after I am walking in the door back at Apple that I start laughing. I stole that dudes ball that he almost killed me with. I think thatapos;s funny.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

diagram of bone cell

The editing and titles were done at 2:00 today, about two hours behind my mental schedule.� Still, itapos;s done, at least this version.

There is a block of footage that still needs to be stabilized, but there just isnapos;t time.� Hereapos;s what Iapos;m guessing: they want to play the video at Sherriapos;s visitation, to have it going in the background.� I�will create a version 1 of the DVD:�just the video and titles as they are today.� Later, Iapos;ll do the stabilizing and a� full authoring job on the DVD to present to her husband.

Motherfucker...my PC�just spontaneously rebooted on me in the middle of rendering Act 2.� Son of a bitch...Well, I�HOPE I�can get the video ready to burn to disk.� This could be bad...
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

comedy central tv guide

Just (reluctantly) started watching this movie on TCM yesterday and got hooked into watching the whole thing (and thoroughly enjoyed myself.)� Iapos;d never heard of the movie, but then Iapos;m not a "heist film" expert, but Iapos;ll have to say, this is one of the best (and most amusing) Iapos;ve ever seen.

Apparently its been an influence on many future heist films and I do say the stealing the manner of how they went about stealing the item from the Topkapi museum looked pretty darn familiar� (Mission Impossible or Oceanapos;s 11 anyone?)

Anywhoo, I�highly recommend this movie.� The movie is lots of fun, charming and orignal (despite its being copied many times),�as in the whole cast.

Warning:� If youapos;ve ever had the least desire to visit Istanbul, this movie will make you run to the internet and start checking out hotel room prices

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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"I have more important things to do, like metamorphosis, than care about what environment i am in." states the Caterpillar, which is now a Chrysalis stuck under the edge of my very ordinary 20 cents plastic container, which i am sure once housed my breakfast of porridge.

Oh dear, itapos;s utterly adorable and terrifying. Adorable in the sense that it is a line of green pudge that does incredible acrobatics when prodded with the edge of a leaf, terrifying in the possibility of me interrupting itapos;s important life processes and causing irreversible damage or something. Already, i almost managed to drown it as well as drop it on to the hard floor of the container, both of which made me feel incredibly sorry. I always thought Caterpillars were hardy, like all insects always seem to but Internet enlightened me.

Point 1: Water is like syrup to them so of course, they can drown. After all, they breathe through their skin and even then, not in the aquatic way.

Point 2: They are soft and squishy and unlike jelly, they can bruise when dropped, or picked up because obviously, we humans donapos;t know our own strength. I donapos;t mind this point much because it stands to reason that some caterpillars invariably drop when strong gusts of wind detach them from their pretty trees and yummy leaves.

OMG, and now it is in its chrysalis form outside and under the edge of my container and i have no idea on how to put twigs and sticks so it can do the ultra important climbing upwards and drying of wings when it crawls out of itapos;s chrysalis. I am really anxious. I hope it turns out well by itself with itapos;s Mother Nature Caterpillar instincts. Iapos;ll find some way to put the sticks and twigs and provide sugar water when it gets wings but that is all i can do

I get incredibly anxious and uneasy when i lid insects so i was glad i didnapos;t need to lid this one since it canapos;t fly. I am guessing it wonapos;t stay long when itapos;s a butterfly or moth......

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argus panoptes

so i think it was a lot easier to for somethings but somethings i am finding that i can tolerate while being apart from eachother.� it honestly isnapos;t a big deal and iapos;m not going to make it one, cause in the end it will be different.�

things are hard really hard.�

my feelings have been so out of control and have just being mean or upset cause i can.� trying to pick a fight and know thats its going to come.� i think i figured out how to deal with my anger.� well at some parts at least.� if iapos;m trying to ask something and get information on a certain topic, and my question is all convolted....ask me what i mean.� if i donapos;t want to front up an answer than just drop the question, iapos;ll probably give you a better description that what i previously attempted saying.� cause i am probably going to want an answer, just keep saying you donapos;t understand what iapos;m saying...in hopes to find out what iapos;m really trying to ask.� than there are times when i want to fill in the void that iapos;m missing.� i know it isnapos;t the same, i understand that isnapos;t what i want either.� but with dealing with everything and the inability to control them, itapos;d help.� i just lately have been feeling so alone, and if there is someone who can give me the littlest amount of comfort iapos;d think itapos;d be worth trying, so i stop feeling so low.� but i guess have to get over that idea it would only cause problems.� i know your reasoning, and i wish you could know what i exactly go through.� this whole anti-support any idea family is fucking difficult.� they think its a bad idea, and that everything is set in stone.� all they want to know is whats the difference between there and here, or when iapos;m i leaving?� do i really have to explain more, its something i believe i can grow from� its also a great possibility to have a great relationship with someone as well, but i wonapos;t know till i try it.� it wasnapos;t all that pleasant to get all this information from my twin sister.� you think she would tell you exactly what was said or her opinions about the situation.� but she thinks iapos;m not mature or responsible enough to deal with it.� you know what even though i wasnapos;t completely thrilled about some of your decisions, i still supported you.�

what else has been bothering me?

fuck i donapos;t even know.� it would have been three years today.�

sometimes this idea of moving away and no idea about each and every outcome really scares me.� will i be completely fine with all the complete differences each place has?� will everything turn out to equal out what iapos;ll be missing?� its just difficult.� i donapos;t have any answers for anything iapos;m curious about.� and they will probably always end up being different from one day or another.�

no matter what i will wait for you.� sometimes i say things just out of my anger, and i hope you know iapos;m lying.� all i can really do is hope that my frustrations or attempts to push you away donapos;t turn into anything worse.� there is a huge list of things that i could do just out of me being angry that would really hurt you.� i donapos;t want to and it will kill both of us.� i can think about what would happen if there were an aftermath of negative actions.� i know you trust me, but arenapos;t there some ideas in the back of your mind ever?� you havenapos;t ever seen me at my lowest, and i would hate to do anything wrong.� iapos;ve seen you a couple of times of me making you upset, but this would be entirely different.

this all needs to turn around.� i canapos;t keep thinking this way, it will only drive us further apart.� one day iapos;ll just snap if this keeps up at this rate.� it isnapos;t like itapos;ll be anytime soon, but i know its completely probable of happening.� i need to be more positive cause iapos;m going to be crushed by everything around me.

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best cover song of all time

When I first began posting on Live Journal, I had the option to make the font size in my posts larger. I find the tiny font very difficult to read--it can give me a headache to focus so sharply.

A few weeks ago, one day, I went to make a post and suddenly . . . This option was gone--as was my ability to italicize or bold any text.

Is this true for everyone? If I upgrade to a paid account, will I have the ability to increase my font size again?

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